Saturday, June 25, 2011


I forgot how exhausting being academic is. I got up at 7:30am today and was studying by 8:30. Meaning I was pretty successful at eating half my fridge (why, Rachel, why?) and stopping studying by 11am. Total studying time: probably about 6-7 hours. Which actually feels like more than I actually did.. hmm.

My final actually went okay though! I was pleased. There were only a couple things I didn't know so I felt pretty good about the whole thing. However, an hour and a half after killing my brain, going through every crevice to pull out every possibly applicable fact (and a few unimportant ones for good measure) I was completely and totally exhausted.

I went to my friend Emily's flat to get my coat and give her $45 I owed her for gas money from our Northland trip and ended up sitting and talking to her for a long time. We talked about university and how neither of us were that impressed with the courses that we took. Intro level classes kind of skip the "intro" part and just assume that you already know it. Which is frustrating. And the grading system? You'd think it's be easier than the States, but I feel like in some regards it's harder. But, for the amount of effort I put into my schoolwork this semester my grades are much higher than they should be. I don't know.

I came home, made a very carb-licious dinner of rice and potatoes (starving college kid diet? maybe not starving, just college kid diet?) and then Meagan, Maddi, and Caitlyn came over and we just hung out. We were planning on going all out and going to town, but by 9:30 I was wiped. They left a bit ago to go to town, and while I'm slightly bummed that I'm not with them, I simply do not have enough energy to go to bars until early hours of the night, with loud music being blasted, while it is cold outside and I'm wearing shoes that give me blisters. So instead I'm blogging and talking to my friend Chelsea on facebook and going to bed soon. Maybe after I watch some Dexter. It may be my last Saturday night here (YEAH! In a week I will be in Aussie as long as that stupid Chilean ash cloud doesn't interfere) but I'm okay with it being low key. The last time I went to town was a few weeks ago and it was really fun, and I'm okay with that. I got to spend some time tonight with my friends and I'm so exhausted that I don't think I'd be able to fully appreciate town anyway.

I saw this on someone else's blog, so I'm going to do it too. I have 18 days until I return home (7 days till Aussie!), so here are 18 fun facts about Rachel that you may or may not know:
  1. I wear my contacts more in New Zealand than I do in the States, and am hoping that that will continue because it's nice to have variety.
  2. I hate getting advice but do not restrain giving it. Hypocrite? Only slightly.
  3. On my desk right now: a half-eaten bar of chocolate, a bar of tissues, my New Zealand phone, a mirror, shells from Whitianga, my flash drive, my camera, wool from a sheep at Hobbiton, a drink jar I took from Rarotonga, tweezers, $10NZD, and my keys to my flat.
  4. I am currently wearing a dress in bare legs because I legitimately do not have any clean or dry pants. That's how badly I need to do laundry.
  5. I love Adele.
  6. Souvenir shopping for other people is actually really fun.
  7. I am looking at dance classes to take at Xenon this summer when I get home and I'm actually really excited.
  8. The concept of actually packing all of my things up intimidates me because I've bought fragile things and don't want them to break - so how to pack them is the question.
  9. A lot of people hate Auckland, but I don't. I like it.
  10. Minneapolis is still probably my favorite city. So no worries, my 612 pride hasn't changed.
  11. Speaking of pride, YEAH NEW YORK for legalizing gay marriage!! It's a big thing that such a big state legalized it. Now I'm just waiting on Minnesota.. come on guys, love knows no gender, there is not enough love in the world so why are some people trying to stop it, and marriage is not based upon reproductive body parts so let's legalize it already!
  12. I really like bangs (or fringe as they call it here). Why did it take me so long to figure out they're awesome?
  13. I think the worst part about flying home will be landing in LAX and knowing there's nine hours till I'll land in Minneapolis still. Stupid flying to Dallas and having layovers.
  14. I love pilates. I like yoga, but love pilates.
  15. So You Think You Can Dance has been really good this season. I love that even though I'm abroad I can still watch it - I just have to wait a few hours for someone to upload the most recent episode.
  16. I'm a junior in college. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN
  17. Harry Potter comes out so soon! Nostalgia about a chapter of my childhood ending!
  18. I'm a total co-op girl but I doubt I'll be able to afford grocery shopping at the co-op every week when I get back home. Did you know that in New Zealand they don't have co-ops? I don't think they need them because their food is already generally better - they don't use high fructose corn syrup or a lot of preservatives, and their animals aren't overall treated as poorly as many are in the States.
THAT'S ALL FOR NOW FOLKS. Look forward to next posts "fun facts about Rachel"!

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