Then we went to a couple lookout points, which were pretty. Honestly though, being in New Zealand so long, lookout points where you can see the beach and the ocean start to look the same. Always beautiful, but the same. I think it's because I've been traveling so much the past few weeks that they all blend in. Anyway.
It was still relatively early, so after stopping at Cook's Beach we decided to head to Cathedral Cove, even though low tide wouldn't be for a few more hours. It was the last thing on our to-do list, and as it was overcast, slightly cold, and sporadically rainy (as it is in New Zealand in winter) we didn't have anything else planned for the day and Joe and I both had finals to start studying for. After falling down the slippery wooden steps to get to the path for Coromandel (seriously, my camera flew out of my hand and into some bushes and I slid down like three steps. It hurt! But also was hilarious.), we trekked our way to the cove. We made a brief stop, in which we realized that it wasn't a brilliant idea to not bring our raincoats with us. We decided to keep walking to Cathedral Cove, talking about our majors and whatever else we talked about.
Cathedral Cove was pretty cool. It's this giant rock area where the waves have beaten it down. See pictures below. It was basically pouring when we were walking there and sitting there. Which means, of course, as soon as we walked up the 200 steps back to the path the sun finally came out. That would be our luck. Blue sky, sunny, beautiful. Yeah, whatever New Zealand weather.
you can't tell but it's raining
Cathedral Cove!
seriously so pretty when we were walking back... hmm
We took the Pacific Highway back to Thames, which was actually gorgeous. We drove along the water! Also, note: I have learned the art of falling asleep with my chin on my chest in New Zealand. I have no idea how this has happened, but it's happened on multiple trips. Hmm.I got coffee in Thames and since Maddi was going to sleep, I played DJ from Thames to Auckland. We also sat in Auckland traffic.. not fun. I forgot how boring traffic is. And drove past a car that was on fire? Which was scary. We dropped Joe off at his homestay about forty minutes out of the city, and then I drove back to Auckland. Stopped at Countdown (last trip to the grocery store in New Zealand probably?) and dropped Maddi off at IH. Came back to my flat, watched SYTYCD (love this show), studied a bit, went to bed.
In the morning I got to return this SWEET AS dirty car (thank you 309 Road) to JUCY, the car rental company. It was odd to drive down Parnell Road, a road that I often walk down or take the bus down. It's farther down to the Strand, the main road, than I thought. Hmm.
But that about sums up my Coromandel trip. Today I spent some time studying, eating, watching the results show of SYTYCD, and not doing anything. AKA being a model student. :)
My final exam for sociology is tomorrow afternoon. I hope I'll do okay. I figured out what percentage I need to get credit from IES at the bare minimum (40% on the exam) and I'm pretty confident I can at least do that. I'm going to go study with a PSV neighbor to make myself actually study soon.
SO excited to be done with the school part of study abroad. Then I just have a week in Auckland, then nine days in Aussie, then one day, then HOME in nineteen days! What a perfect ending to studying abroad! Also, note: do not listen to local Minneapolis radio stations such as the Current. It will make you wish you were going home a little bit on Tuesday (like everyone else), in 4 days, instead of in 19. Why am I still listening to the Current then? Because it's awesome!
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