Wednesday, March 30, 2011

going to take a chill day.

The past couple days have not been super exciting. Monday was really busy and I was gone from my flat for like 8 hours. Tuesday was really busy too and I was gone from my flat for 13 hours! It was weird. That wouldn't be super bizarre if I were at Gustavus but I'm definitely not used to that here.

Yesterday: had dance class, lunch, Italian tutorial, break, worked on my dance assessment, went to International House to hang out, had my Rarotonga meeting (!), got a free dinner at IH, talked with other IES people about our South Island trip, walked through the dark Domain to get back to PSV, watched Greys, went to bed around 1am!

The Rarotonga meeting got me really excited for the trip. Apparently we'll be staying at the "Paradise Inn" at the edge of the city. However, the name of the hotel is misleading - there is no air conditioning (and it's going to be hot weather) and we will be awoken by roosters in the morning. Mmm. However, there are plans for cultural learning and outdoor things. The one thing I'm not super looking forward to are the lecture. Lecture? Really? Oh well, hopefully they'll be no longer than an hour and I'll survive. I'm pretty excited about the trip though. And I met more of the original Christchurch people.

There are five of us talking about the South Island trip - on the first agenda is booking flights. It's stressful but we'll figure it out. I hope we'll be booking our flights by the end of the week! I will of course keep you all updated.

Since my last 5ish days have been really busy, I'm looking forward to just hanging around my flat. I need to do laundry, seriously look at my classes for next semester, and start looking at my assignments for next week, but it feels really good to be able to have a day where I don't need to do anything. And it's a really nice day outside which is a wonderful icing on the cake. I'm sitting on my couch in the living room of my flat right now with the sun shining in the window, Oprah on in the background, and my list of class options beside me. Ahhhhhhh. Chill days. Love em.

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