Sunday, May 15, 2011


Alas, I finished my essay. I may have been up until 5:30am and been extremely unproductive for about 5 hours in the middle of the night (i.e. sending people hilarious facebook videos) but it's fine. And my Kapa Haka assessment went well; I didn't even hit myself with the poi! Score.

Friday was pretty brutal though academically because I was running on six hours of sleep over four days and I really don't remember taking my assessment that well. Not sleeping does that to me. I came home and skyped with a few friends and did laundry. It was productive. Friday night some IESers came over and we went out for Indian food. It was alright, though I don't think I'd return given the choice. We had plans to go to town but we lost track of time so that didn't end up happening. Boo.

Saturday I think the lack of sleep finally caught up with me and so I spent a majority of the day sleeping. At night I ate some Burger Fuel hot chips and watched Sherlock Holmes - which, to no one's surprise, I fell asleep watching. Maddi made these delicious "brownies" - which weren't brownies in the conventional sense as they were cookies, chocolate buttons (they don't have chocolate chips here?), powdered sugar, and other gooey deliciousness.

Today I haven't really done much. I woke up at 12:30 (seriously, sleep = amazing, why don't I sleep more) and group skyped with a bunch of my dancer friends back home! It's Teige's birthday tomorrow so they were hanging out together and I got to talk to them for over an hour which was so supremely excellent. Huge fan. Then I made some lunch and watched Grey's Anatomy? Not super exciting.

But, I'm also doing research on: things to do for my birthday weekend, where I want to go skydiving, and trips I want to do over finals. So far I think I might skydive at the Bay of Islands - it's only $415 to skydive from 16,000 feet AND parasail at 1,000 feet. Which is a lot of money, but some places it's that expensive to only skydive. And I want to do both. I don't know when I'll get up there yet, but that's what I'm thinking so far.

I think I'm going to do the Auckland bungy water touch for my birthday weekend. I'm trying to think of other things that would be good to do for my birthday - let me know if you have any suggestions. :) I turn 20 in 13 days! YEAH. So stoked.

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