Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ponsonby and a comedy show

So, I did end up making chocolate chip cookies. I forgot baking soda and burned the first batch but they were still delicious. I was pleased.

Thursday I gave more input in my dance class about what I thought we should do to adapt the combination and it was pretty well-received by my group members, which was cool. We still have some work to do on it but it was okay. Kapa Haka was a lecture-filled day - though I am sad because part of my poi seems to be breaking. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Thursday night I decided to be unlike myself and actually go to bed at a reasonable hour because I was completely exhausted. I ended up falling asleep later than I'd planned, though, because PSVers were being rather loud. I guess trying to go to bed at 9pm anywhere is pretty unrealistic.

Friday's dance class included PJ lecturing us for over half the class about.. well, I don't even remember. I was freezing and tired, therefore not paying attention, but I believe she was talking about things that don't apply to me so it's fine. Friday was a pretty uneventful day in general. I started to go stir-crazy Friday afternoon when the reality of how much time is actually left hit me compared to how much more of this beautiful country I have yet to see. But it was okay. I was going to go to yoga class but my ankle was sore so I decided that intense yoga poses might not be the best for an already-sore ankle. Instead, I ate Nutella from the jar while watching Glee with one of my flatmates for the night. However, Andrew really wanted to get out of the flat so we walked around in the Domain for a while and climbed a tree; we ended up on the steps of the Auckland Museum for about an hour, just overlooking the city lights from the high spot in Auckland that we were and talking about our childhoods? It was actually really peaceful.

a tree in Albert Park
Saturday, yesterday, was a more eventful day. I met up with an IES student to go to Ponsonby, which is a suburb/neighborhood in Auckland. We walked what seemed like forever in the drizzling rain and wound up finding many overprices clothing stores to window shop in, crafty stores to browse, entirely too many delicious smelling bakeries and restaurants, and other quirky shops. So I discovered that Ponsonby is not really a place for a student's budget to go. No, I cannot afford a $500 dress, no matter how fantastically beautiful and New Zealand designer it is. I enjoyed Ponsonby though and will probably make an effort to return before I leave.

cool mirror in a cafe we stopped in

graffiti! love it

Unfortunately, my ankle was still hurting me so after limping around Ponsonby Kristen and I took the Link back to Queen Street - where I bought two dresses for $15NZD. (Super stoked about those purchases.) We ate at Burger Fuel since I had a coupon and Kristen had never had it before, and then went to a comedy show since it was the last night of the New Zealand International Comedy Festival.

The Burger Fuel Doofer: a contraption created to hold the back end of your burger while you eat it, probably because the burgers are so massive that if you were to attempt this without a Doofer, half of your burger would fall out the other side.

The comedy show was interesting. I saw a much different crowd at the show than I've seen in Auckland - kind of reminded me of a Fringe show audience, which was nice. Kristen and I were probably the youngest ones attending the show as well, so we made sure to sit a good distance from the front in case the comedian was going to pick on people. We did not want that to be us. The show was partly funny, partly not. More like amusing. I now understand more of what Kiwi humor is, and it's odd. I can't really describe it. Also, jokes about the US are not as funny to me here. In America, if a comedian were to make jokes about Texas it could be funny. Here I speculate that jokes about America are taken more seriously and do not help America's already bad reputation. I don't know. Just odd I suppose.

After the comedy show we were walking towards Kristen's bus when we were solicited by a few people from California who were basically trying to spread the word of God. Now, anybody who knows me knows that people trying to convince me to go to church and join their religion is not going to go well. So this woman asked Kristen and I bunch of questions. This woman didn't even know what Agnosticism meant.. and then she asked what we knew about Jesus (who asks this to people on the street?) and asked me, "nothing?". Well. Then I went on to tell her that a) I was raised in the Christian faith b) I'm from America so obviously regardless of what I've told her I would know something about Jesus and c) I took a college-level religion course last semester, so I'm not stupid. Also, that God is not a "He" and by referring God as only being a male that she is giving the ultimate power to men - so she should either refer to God as "God" or switch off between "he" and "she" because I'm just saying. If God is the ultimate power and God is a man.. well, you get my point. I was getting mad at this woman because she kept saying that she was just trying to spread the word, but I think really she was being a missionary but denying it so she would sound better. Which bothers me an extreme amount. Spread the word if you want but don't try to get to me to come to your religious convention when I'm clearly not interested. If I have conviction in what I do or don't believe, leave me be, because at least I have conviction, and whatever I believe isn't hurting anyone else so whatever! Okay. Going to stop writing about this now. Needless to say.. I was annoyed.

When I got back to my flat, I'd barely sat down when fireworks started going off! Andrew, David, and I ran over to the museum to watch them going off about 300 feet in front of us in the Domain. Some people were speculating that this was a celebration for the world not ending (hooray?) but it was actually for a wedding - the bridge a groom were on the roof of the museum. Well, that's a epic way to end a wedding, right?

I watched part of HP7, pt. 1 last night before going to bed. I was up late so I woke up late - meaning today has been pretty unproductive but that's fine.


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