Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mission Bay

Last night was not as exciting as I had wanted it to be. The night started off with two of my flatmates and I going to "Burger Fuel", which is a burger chain in New Zealand. It was not as good as some of the American burgers I've had in my life but it was okay. On the walk back to our flat we stopped in a chocolate shop - which I am definitely going to to back to, and a coffee shop where I finally got some coffee, which was seriously delicious. Oh, how I miss coffee. I wish I had a coffeemaker in my flat so I could just make it here, but I really don't want to spend my money on a coffee machine so I may just have to do with finding the best cheap delicious coffee nearby and not drinking it as much as I'm craving.

After we got back to Parnell, a few of us started watching the first half of the third Lord of the Rings movie, which was okay, but I wasn't paying very good attention. My flatmates had led me to believe that they would go out dancing later (what I wanted to do), but LOTR was so long and my flatmates didn't want to go out to Queen Street since it was about midnight by the time the movie ended. Still not too late to go out here, but they were tired.. Four of us walked down the road to Juice Bar, but it was having a private event so that was even more of a bust. I was not very happy with my uneventful night. I am all for low key nights, but I'd had too many of them in the past couple days for the fact that I wasn't needing a low key night. Grr. I suppose next weekend or maybe even during the week.

I got up earlyish this morning, which was good because I got to skype with Andrea from the other side of the world! (Another Gustie and one of my best friends at school, for my family and whatnot who doesn't know.) Seriously, we're 12 hours apart since she's in Spain. We talked for almost two hours, I think? After we skyped, two of my flatmates, two other guys and I went to Mission Bay, which is the closest beach to where I live in Auckland. We had to transfer buses after the first one took us downtown to the Transport Center, but it was worth the bus fare since Mission Bay was beautiful! It was actually the first time where I have laid on the beach in my bikini and sunbathed since I've been here. (I have a pretty nice shorts tanline built up.) Three of us went swimming in the Pacific but the guys were jerks and kept telling me there was a 2-foot long fish swimming right below me. I still don't know if I believe them or not, but it did freak me out. Massive fish too close to me? No thank you.

It was fun to hang out with them, though. We left one of my flatmates at the beach since he was meeting someone else and the four of us walked a looooooong way down the road to get some food. I didn't end up eating since I have been going through a lot of my money in the past 11 days and I had food in my flat, but hopefully I'll get better about my money as time goes on so I can eat out when I want. I even started a budget sheet. (More like a budget post-it saying "only spend 50 bucks a week on groceries" because seriously, I have no idea how I spent that much money in so little time.)

Right now people are watching a movie outside but I am so exhausted that I knew that if I watched a movie I would fall asleep in the grass. I also really wanted some alone time, since that has been scarce lately and I need to recharge for tomorrow.

Because classes start tomorrow! Tomorrow I have my Sociology of New Zealand lecture and Italian Engendered Texts lecture. I don't have to be at the uni until noon, but I realized I still need to buy notebooks and whatnot, plus actually locate where my classes are, plus the half hour walk it takes to get there, which means leaving my flat around 10am tomorrow morning? Too early, but I'm sure by next week I'll be more confident and could leave at 11:15 or something. I just don't want to miss my first classes here.

I know my posts have been long but I haven't been very good about actually keeping a journal so this is my form of a journal (a summarized version of what's been happening) as well as a way for you all friends/family to know what I've been up to. So, I doubt anyone minds, but that's why these blog updates are probably going to be long and frequent. :)

Mission Bay!

this was on the side of a garbage truck

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