Wednesday, February 23, 2011

chill days are great too

Yesterday I didn't really do much that was exciting. I was supposed to go to the beach, but one of my flatmates moved in and we took a much-needed trip to get groceries which ended up taking almost three hours. It was exciting to buy my own food - but much more expensive than I thought it would be (given how much I actually bought). Food here is more expensive in New Zealand (for the most part), but I guess that's just something I'm going to have to deal with. The two of us had so many groceries that we got about two blocks and decided it was a better idea to just take a cab instead. Brilliant idea, it probably would have taken us an hour to waddle back to our flat.

When we got back to our flat, we watched the news on the earthquake in Christchurch, which was, and is still, pretty horrific. Apparently it has been decades since earthquakes have caused fatalities, and watching people being pulled from buildings and being reunited with their loved ones was intense. The news was on everywhere - I heard from other people that wherever they were where there was a tv, that it was on. New Zealand is such a small place that most people know of someone who is in Christchurch, so I know that has been especially difficult for some. My study abroad coordinator in Auckland was really shook up about the whole thing, and made it very clear that we were to all get cell phones ASAP because if something like that had happened in Auckland many of us would not have been connected. Anyway, apparently there were aftershocks all night last night as well, but there wasn't anything that happened in Auckland so no worries. Thank you for being concerned, but I am completely fine, as is the rest of Auckland.

Last night was pretty uneventful. Two of my flatmates had moved in by then (a girl form Vancouver and a Kiwi girl) so we hung out for a bit. I went over to a flat where people were playing pictionary but I was so tired that I left early and went to bed around midnight. Maybe I have delayed jet lag..

This morning we had an IES meeting with our abroad coordinator, Gael. Gael is the sweetest woman, and I have a feeling that she'll be like my New Zealand mom while I'm here. She gave us her cell phone number and instructed us to call her at any time (even at night if necessary) and she's doing so much for us. Anyway. Then a group of us went on a more organized scavenger hunt, which took us by the Harbor and then eventually to Newmarket - which is just next to where I live. I discovered the Asian Supermarket, and will definitely be retuning due to their cheaper prices (especially on fruits and vegetables).

The other two of my flatmates moved in today. So in this flat, there's me, the Canadian girl, the Kiwi girl, and a guy from South Africa/New Zealand and another Kiwi guy. They all seem nice, so that's good. :) My female Kiwi flatmate invited us over to hang out with some of her friends who live in another flat, and I might do that a bit later. I met some of her friends yesterday too, and I am such a fan of meeting Kiwis, even though I have to ask them to repeat themselves a lot right now.

The internet went out earlier so I was unable to skype with my parents but hopefully it'll work later. I've had a lot of time to blog lately, but I've had a pretty chill last couple days and whatnot. Tomorrow I think I'm going to go to Rangitoto, which is an island off of Auckland that has a lot of hiking trails and whatnot. It should be fun, I'm pretty excited.

Well, off to cook dinner! Sometime I'm going to have to get beyond pasta with sauce and scrambled eggs, but until then, off to eat pasta it is! :)

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