Friday, July 1, 2011


Alright, so today was a little less boring than yesterday. Thankfully.

I started the day off by going for a run. Run means walking as much as running, but you know. Gotta start somewhere. Actually, I figured out how long my path is, and it's a solid 2 miles! Yeah. Anyway. I continued the exciting day by doing laundry, talking to people online, slowly packing up my life, and talking to my dad on the phone. Also: happy 55th wedding anniversary, Grandma and Grandpa J! It was their anniversary today. :) Well, today in the States, anyway.

It is so strange to pack up. I didn't think it would take as long as it's taking, but while waiting for laundry to dry, actually making my bed because I washed my sheets (second time this semester! oh yeah), and deciding what to bring to Aus and what to leave here.. it takes a while. I'm pretty packed up with the exception of things I need tomorrow though, which is good. And anything that isn't totally packed that I'm not bringing with me to Aus I can leave in my flatmate's room - since that's where I'm storing my stuff - and deal with it when I'm repacking in 11 days.

It's strange to see my walls bare, my closet empty except for hangers, my bed made (seriously my bed is normally a pile of blankets...on the floor), things taken off of my shelves and out of my drawers. I have some things on my desk still, and my luggage is taking over what little floorspace I have. I think I finally understand how people were feeling a couple weeks ago. Like, being so overly ready to go home, but at the same time, so overly not ready to leave this life behind. At least I have awesome to look forward to for the next month, at least.

Because this life that I've had here has been awesome. I've met some absolutely wonderful people. I've learned to take care of and cook for myself more than I had before. I've seen and done things that were completely new; I tried new things that I might have been otherwise hesitant to try. I have learned about the strength of friendships back home; even though I can't talk to my friends everyday, I've learned who truly cares about me and wants to know how I'm doing (which, to be honest, I was surprised by who would ask me about being abroad and who wouldn't) and who trusts and values me enough as their friend to tell me about the unpleasant things in their lives. I have learned to trust my decisions more. I have learned that I would rather have a job than not. I have learned that I can be away from home this long and survive, even flourish. I have befriended New Zealanders and come away with a better understanding of the life, struggles, and culture here.

I don't know. I still don't want to be too philosophical with the whole "how I've changed" blah blah blah, but I think I have. I guess I won't know exactly how until I'm back home and realize that while some things have changed, in other ways, it's me that's changed. I can only say that I am endlessly grateful for this experience in Aotearoa/New Zealand and after this, I have no idea why some people wouldn't want to study abroad. It makes me more excited for the future, especially Europe Summer 2012 with Chelsea!!!

And to end today, here are 12 facts about me:
  1. In my head, I sing like Adele. Since none of my flatmates were here today, it also means that I was walking around my flat, belting Adele songs at the top of my lungs today.
  2. Foot surgery was probably the most emotionally difficult thing I have ever gone through. Physically too, but emotionally was where it hit the hardest. I'm so glad I did it though, it did make me stronger and my feet don't hurt so bad anymore.
  3. I am almost out of deodorant. And when I run out in the next week or so.. I'm not going to buy more because deodorant is weird here and I'm not going to pay for weird deodorant when I'll be home so soon. It's fine; people are more fragrant here than they are in the States, I guess you could say, and I'm not a smelly person anyway.
  4. I love being barefoot.
  5. I love tea and coffee. I have been drinking tea like kids eat candy the past few days. One thing I am already looking forward to about home: chai tea. Please and thank you.
  6. I feel naked with only three pairs of earrings here.
  7. I ache when I watch SYTYCD. Physically ache. It hurts me, I want to dance so badly.
  8. I almost came back to the States freshly pierced and tattooed. It hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it's going to at this point (money restrictions/indecisiveness), but wouldn't that have been a surprise! :-D
  9. I like climbing to the top of things and getting bird's eye views. I guess tree climbing when I was a child was worth more than just scratches from the bark!
  10. I have gained about twenty pounds while abroad. A good chunk of that is in leg muscle, but let's just be real and say my body is definitely geared up for winter. Only in two weeks, it's going to be summer again. And you know something? I don't really care at the moment. I want to take lots and lots of dance classes, because that's what I miss the most.
  11. I get very irritated when people give me advice when I'm not looking for it. Those of you who know me well know, "well obviously, that's why she chews my head off when I give her advice" but no worries, it's only when one person gives me TOO much advice. Once every now and again is acceptable.
  12. I need a haircut. Again.

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