Saturday, April 30, 2011

South Island adventure: Milford

Thursday morning we left the motel early to get a head start on the day. We stopped at iSITE (where we got information on hikes and booked our hostel for the night and Milford Sound cruises for the following morning) and then it was off to Milford! I drove for the first time on the right side of the car on the left side of the road. It was a little scary at first but then it felt totally natural. Besides the "rock falling" signs we saw everywhere.

We decided to do the Key Summit trail. Maddi wasn't feeling well so she slept in the car while the four of us ambitiously tramped up to the summit. At first all of us were wearing tons of layers - which were slowly stripped off as we tramped, then put back on as we got in higher altitudes. The beginning of this trail is the start of the Routeburn track - one of New Zealand's Great Walks. So we walked to Howden Hut to eat our lunch - which was absolutely worth it because the view of the mountains reflected upon the still lake was gorgeous. After eating we decided we'd come this far, we can do another half hour to get to the summit. It was a tough walk - I blame not being used to high altitudes - so we had to stop quite a bit to catch our breath, but the view from the top was more beautiful than my pictures could show off. It was so silent besides a bit of wind, we were actually above some of the clouds, and there was a 360˚ view of the mountains around us. I felt so tiny in my surroundings. It was also freezing cold. One cool thing was when the clouds parted and we could see a snow-capped mountain peak in the not-very-far distance. This hike was absolutely one of the highlights of my South Island adventure.


my exact view while I ate lunch at the Howden Hut

above the clouds :)

lots and lots of trees. duh.

"tiny among the big mountains!" picture

self-timed group goofy photo

After the trail we were properly exhausted and ready to continue on to Milford Sound. Nicole wanted to try driving, so she got to drive through a tunnel in the mountain! We got to the lodge, realized that while we'd known it was necessary to get gas before Milford, we hadn't thought about the fact that Milford has no grocery store. We were able to purchase some basic foods at the lodge though. Otherwise it would have been pb&j sandwiches. Again. We walked to see the sound, which was absolutely stunning. Also eerie. I think eerie is a good word to describe Milford Sound. If it weren't for the obscene amount of gnats flying around my head, I would have loved to spend hours there. Being in Milford really puts things into perspective: I really am a tiny person in the world. Eventually we walked back to the lodge, ate dinner, played an endless game of Uno, and finally went to bed after a particularly unpleasant freezing hostel shower.

Beth and I went on a Milford cruise the next morning that went along one side of Milford Sound, out to the Tasman, and back along the other side. It was overcast but wasn't cloudy nor rainy when the cruise began so I was able to see more clearly. We heard about certain things about the waterfalls, trees, and rocks in the sound - though I didn't pay particularly close attention. I mean, it's kind of hard to when you're surrounded by such wonder. I was at the front of the boat when we went out to the Tasman. The Tasman Sea is known for being really rough; I can now attest to that. It was difficult to hold onto my camera and water bottle, the handrail, and try to balance all at the same time. It was outrageous. It was foggy on the way back into the sound which I really liked because I've seen so many pictures of foggy Milford. Also, our boat basically went under a waterfall. So. Cool. One thing I find really cool about mountains is the way that clouds cling to the trees as if they're stuck and can't move. It's the little things that count, right?

the guide was saying something about the rocks..

baby seals! SO cute

the waterfall we went under

We left Milford to drive back through Te Anau and Queenstown (the only way to get to and from Milford). We stopped at a field (alleged LOTR filming site) outside of Queenstown, which was supposed to be a short stop. The short version is that Maddi was determined to climb the hill, so all of us hung out while she passed lots of farm animals, and ran back to the car in the dark. We were parked in this field by a residential area, but there were no lights in this field so it was super scary. Texas Chainsaw Massacre-esque. Not a fan.

car photo!

lake near Queenstown

that little peak is where Maddi was determined to go


this is what it looked like when we were waiting for Maddi.
seriously, Texas Chainsaw Massacre

We then drove to Wanaka over a mountain to stay for the night in the dark. I just didn't picture why there were barriers on the non-mountain side of the road, as the road was less traveled than the main highway. But we got there in one piece.

And because I've been blogging for hours, I'm going to stop here and pick up with the rest later.

South Island adventure: Queenstown!

Left: a view from the shuttle Dunedin to Queenstown, I don't know exactly where this is.
Below: Queenstown!

I loved Queenstown. It was very quaint and easy for a tourist such as myself to fall in love with. It's situated next to a beautiful lake at the bottom of snowy mountains on one side, green tree-covered mountains on the other. Queenstown is known for being a host of high-adventure activities and it definitely lives up to its expectations. That in mind, I had already decided I was going to go bungy jumping while there.

We arrived in Queenstown mid-afternoon on Monday. We checked into our room (we were in the "Sanctuary" all-girls room since that was all they had left, which meant we got our bathroom right outside the door, shampoo, a towel, and a free glass of bubbly to use at the bar next door) which was an 8-person room but we conveniently were alone for the two nights we stayed there. We picked up some brochures at the iSITE, then booked the Nevis bungy!! AJ Hackett was a really cool place, with computers to use, bean bag chairs to lounge on, lots of overpriced gear to buy, and really chill staff who laughed as they reassured us that no, we would not puke while falling or die. Then it was off to the grocery store for the first of many nights of pasta with sauce. After that, we went to the bar to get our free glass of bubbly and the other free drink offered before 9pm. I was just really excited because it was karaoke night!! And I have been wanting to sing karaoke since I've been here. I really wanted to sing "Don't Stop Believin" but it was offered. I ended up singing a duet of "Let it Be" with the other IES Gustie - who happened to be in the same hostel as us that night. Neither of us realized how much "letting it be" there is in that song, but the intoxicated people in the bar didn't seem to mind the repetition as they belted it out with us. Almost immediately after singing I headed to bed, as bungy was booked for the next morning!

The bungy. I think everyone (including me) was expecting me to be panicking the entire morning, but I think I was actually the most calm out of the group of us. After a very long bus ride from AJ Hackett to get to the bungy, we were harnessed up and heading out to the pod where we were to jump. Jumping was decided by weight, so I was one of the first people to get to the pod. I wasn't actually nervous until I was sitting in the chair and they were strapping my feet together. I'd say the scariest part was when I was inching toward the end of the platform, and I swear that my feet were already as far as they possibly could be without me walking off the platform, and them telling me to keep inching forward. Bungy jumping is really hard to describe. A lot of people swear when they jump - and though I didn't, I can definitely understand why. You just jump and free fall for what seems like nothing and forever until you start to feel the tensioning of the cord. Jumping was the craziest thing I have done in...well, a while to say the least. I'm trying to think of how to describe it besides awesome/exhilarating but I got nothing. It is one of those things that I think must be done to understand. 134m though. That's how far I jumped. I was able to pull the cord to release my feet so I didn't come up upside down. And then I got back on the platform, on a total adrenaline rush and feeling on top of the world, and decide that $69 is worth it to jump again. I had to wait a while to jump again, and I was actually much more nervous the second time. I think it might be because I knew what it felt like. However, I didn't pull the cord right to release my feet, and when I was dangling upside down over a rocky river I wasn't exactly going to try to pull the cord again and again because of my fear of somehow releasing myself. Which isn't even possible. So I spun upside down the whole way up, and ended up with a big head rush. My second jump wasn't as good as my first, but it was totally and 100% worth it. So. Freaking. Amazing. I'm not going to put up tons of pictures, but this should link you to my facebook album where I have all the pictures from the jump.

that little pod is where I jumped from :)

I swan dove off

how I felt right after my second bungy: bliss

After jumping and spending an adequate amount of time at AJ Hackett, we had some quiet time in the room and then went to Fergburger! Fergburger is apparantly a necessity while in Queenstown - and it was one massive burger. And I got chips too. So massive. Such a food baby. Then we got fudge and changed for going to this bar where they serve mixed drinks in teapots! I split one with Meagan and one with Maddi; they were delish. Then it was off to bed after such an exhausting day.

The next day, Wednesday, we picked up our rental car! It was a four-door, five-person Nissan Sunny so it was cozy with five people but we made it work. Maddi had bought a LOTR filming sites guidebook, so we headed out to Glenarchy to find where Isengard was filmed. With a few picturesque stops along the way, we found the field where Isengard took place and found some sheep too. The sheep moved further away from me when I baa-ed at them. Sadly. That day we also made a plan for the next few days, and drove to Te Anau to sleep for the night because Milford was Thursday!

I will leave you with a few pictures and then start a new post. So much to write about. So. Much.

group photo! Maddi, Beth, me, Meagan, Nicole
(those funny things on Maddi and Beth's heads are Sam and Frodo, Maddi's homemade hobbits)

look at this beautiful place!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

South Island adventure: where to start? DUNEDIN

I am so glad I kept a journal and took 1200 (literally) pictures over the span of those ten days. Otherwise I might have no idea where to start. This whole trip is going to be super detailed (aka long) because, well, I know you want to know all about the adventure that was me and four other Americans traveling the South Island. First off, so you know what I'm talking about, here is a map of the South Island. My travels went like this: I flew into Dunedin (bottom right hand corner), went to Queenstown, through Te Anau to Milford Sound, back through Te Anau and Queenstown to Wanaka, went up the West Coast and saw Fox and Franz Josef glaciers, up north of Greymouth, through Arthur's Pass (which isn't labeled on this map but is the line that connected Greymouth to Christchurch) and finished the trip in Christchurch. Whew.

The trip. I got up at 5am (yes, 5am) after only a few short hours of sleep to finish packing and head toward the AirBus which brought us to the Airport. Maddi, Meagan, Nicole, and I (group photo to the right) were flying together so we hung out at the airport (after a slight hang up because Maddi accidentally pressed "yes" to having dangerous goods) until our flight left for Christchurch! I had a window seat which was awesome because flying over New Zealand, cheesy as it is, reminds me of how beautiful this country really is and that it is possible to fall in love with a piece of land. Minnesota, you are my home and my love, but you are not as landscape-beautiful as NZ. Also, I knew we were over the South Island when I could see huge mountains beneath the clouds which was beyond exciting. Pretty sure I had a really stupid grin on my face for the majority of the flight.

There was yet another hiccup in the flights when we realized about 5 minutes before we were supposed to board the plane that Nicole was on a different connecting flight. Our tickets read 13:20; hers 15:30. Dyslexic? But the three of us got on our little jet to fly to Dunedin to meet Beth, who had had an earlier flight and was already there. We met up with her and decided to take a shuttle to the hostel so we could claim beds and then explore Dunedin a little before Nicole flew in. We ended up going to Cadbury World! Sadly, we had just missed the last tour, but the shop was still open so there was chocolate galore and I bought a few days worth (I mean, let's be real. A big and little bar of chocolate and a Cadbury egg won't last me long) of chocolate to survive on. We walked around the (centralized) "octagon" in Dunedin, where we saw some beautiful churches overlooking the city before heading to get food with Nicole.

(First Church)

I was exhausted and crabby because I was cold and unprepared for the cold weather, but I was convinced to go with them to Baldwin Street after dinner - the steepest street in the world. I put my leggings, jeans, sweatpants, two hats, two pairs of gloves, a scarf, a tank top, a tshirt, two long sleeved shirts, my fleece, and my raincoat (for a windbreaker) on and then we walked there. Yes, it was that cold, and of course my friends kept saying, "aren't you from Minnesota??" as if I should be acclimated to horribly cold weather. Yes, I am from Minnesota, but in Minnesota I have learned the art of layering, down coats, and tall boots with the fur. Nonetheless I was told I looked like I was going snowboarding because I was so bulky. Thanks guys. In my second defense, it was 2 degrees Celcius that night, which is just above freezing, and I'd come from the warmth and (repetitive) unprepared for that kind of weather. However, the walk was about an hour so by the time we got there I'd taken off the sweatpants and one of the hats. :) I know, try to keep your clothes on, Rachel.

I wish I could have seen Baldwin Street during the day because it was SO steep - and I could have gotten a certificate for beasting it. When we were passing by some of the streets leading up to Baldwin I was comparing them to College Ave (the road that goes up to Gustavus). However Baldwin? Yeah. Steeper than College Ave. We walked up part of it, and ran up part of it, and hoped that the cars driving up it wouldn't turn off so we could see it just once. Alas, that didn't happen. It was really cool though, and totally worth it, besides the fact that it gave me sore knees the next day. And we sang loudly the entire walk back to the hostel. It was great. I displayed my human jukebox abilities. I bet the neighborhoods we walked past were SUPER STOKED to hear us belting it out. Obv.
We'd booked a shuttle the next morning to get from Dunedin to Queenstown, but we'd booked it before we knew where we were staying, so we hauled butt across the octagon in the morning (I was limping, sadly) and barely caught the shuttle that was picking us up from another hostel. The driver was not pleased. Apparently he was honking his horn like crazy when Meagan was speed-walking up the street. The shuttle was alright. The views were gorgeous but I'm pretty sure that I'm a better driver than our shuttle driver. It was a little nauseating - is it that hard to drive in a straight line? Anyway. We stopped in Roxburgh for a lunch break where I had my first mince pie! Pies are big here, and not the fruit or chocolate kind. I was expecting to be displeased by it was $3.80 so I decided to try it and really enjoyed it. Actually, I'm craving one right now. Mmm.

And because I have to go to class and this has already been long, I will take a break and pick up with Queenstown in a bit. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rarotonga: where coconuts falling on your head is a real threat and the roosters are as abundant as Minnesotan squirrels

I don't even know where to begin to sum up the past 6 days. Wonderful? Awesome? Experience of a lifetime? You tell me.

On Saturday we flew to Rarotonga from Auckland, but since we crossed the international dateline we went back 22 hours and got to Rarotonga about 1am on Saturday morning. We unboarded (?) the plane onto the ground, where we were immediately greeted with warmth, excessive humidity, and women standing wearing flowers around their necks and heads in eis. (leis). We got in big vans to the hotel and after being assigned rooms (they were trying to mix up with Christchurch and Auckland people, and there were 3 people to a room) and staying up until about 4am talking to the girl from Christchurch that was in my room with Nicole and I, I finally went to bed.

I've never traveled so far back in time before. Saturday, a repeat Saturday of the day before, was a very different day for me. First we went to the market which was so cool. It was extremely colorful, as there were tons of food, clothing, and accessories for sale, while in the background there was Cook Island singing and dancing from a wide range of talent and age. The roosters running around the market were surprising at first too, but after a while I got used to them. I finally caved and bought myself a dress along with goodies such as starfruit, a bagel with pesto, a papaya smoothie, and a chicken kebab. I was really tempted to buy a coconut bra but I wasn't sure where I would wear it ever, and if I did, if it would be culturally.. insensitive? wrong? to wear it as an American. Like, trying to be a Cook Islander but clearly not. So I took a picture of where they were selling them instead.

After the market we went to a house where we dyed our own pareus (sarongs), weaved flax bowls (which we ate on that night), learned the basics of Cook Island dancing (which we later performed), made leaf head things, and tried not to get eaten alive by the fire ants which were everywhere. We were in the sun the whole time which you think would be nice because it would be warm, but it was a lot of sweat and paranoia about sunburn as well as loving the sun. After that, we helped plant some taro plants, watched a guy climb up to the top of a coconut tree in less than ten seconds, drank coconut milk and learned to husk a coconut. We did it in a competition of four, and I didn't win the husking coconut but I am fairly positive that given a few more minutes I might have had it all cracked and peeled. Then we watched the men who were teaching us husk coconuts with their teeth in less than thirty seconds. If I hadn't had three years of braces I might have wanted to try too but I don't know if my teeth could have handled that.

We had a couple hours to shower and change before dinner, where we went to eat with the group that had taught us the cultural things that afternoon. On the way to dinner we stopped and watched part of a rugby game too, which was unexpected. Anyway. The food was amazing. We had different types of taro, chicken, starfruit, papaya, this gooey banana thing, potato salad, chop suey, and octopus! I will say, I think my favorite part of the meal was the octopus. So interesting. We had a few performers dance for us (and like music. Always live music) and then we showed them what we could do! They made it a competition and I [surprisingly] made it to the top four but was highly relieved when I was tapped to go sit out - my legs were killing me, and the three left were so entertaining to watch. After the woman crowned the last standing girl, the guys competed, though their dance is knee-focused, not hip focused. I can now appreciate that Pacific dance is much, much more challenging than it looks, but is extremely fun to do.

Sunday we got up and went to church. I wasn't very excited about it, but it ended up being an interesting cultural experience. Christianity is really important in the Cook Islands - apparently about 95% of Cook Islanders are Christian - and the service was actually mostly held in Cook Island Maori so I had no idea what they were saying. There were a few songs sung in English but it confused me because they weren't songs that even seemed vaguely familiar. We sat up in the balcony but we could see all the old ladies singing their hearts out with the flowers on top of their straw hats. It was cute. After the service we were given morning tea of fruit, Cook Island pancakes, hard boiled eggs, coffee, etc. I feel like it would be really difficult to go hungry in Rarotonga because they are so hospitable and always have tons of food.

Sunday afternoon we went outrigger paddling! Half the group was supposed to go snorkeling but the waves were too high so instead it turned into a day at the beach. I went outrigger paddling which was an experience but not exactly super fun? It was okay. Some people rented kayaks but I decided that I wanted to swim out to a nearby island. I found a few other people who wanted to join me and we set out down the beach to get closer to the island. The island, apparently, is haunted at night. I didn't ask why. There were some crazy strong currents on the way to the island (at one point three out of the four of us were in a chain to stay together, and we actually ended up losing one of us in the current so we had to wait for him to swim back around to get to us). The island was surrounded by rocks, and is extremely small. We walked to the middle of the island and climbed a tree; I can now say that I have climbed a tree in watershoes and a bikini. The middle of the island was a bit dense so we found our way to the outside and ended up walking the rest (3/4) of the way around the island. The view was incredible and we saw lots of crabs and shells but I obviously didn't bring my camera. It exists only in my mind.

Sunday night we went to this place called Coco Putt for dinner. It was slightly tacky because it had a mini-golf course attached to it - only played five rounds before the downpour of rain got to be too much - but the food was absolutely delicious. Describing the food would give it justice, but there was tuna, potatoes, garlic bread, salad, pasta, taro fries, curried rice, beef and veggie stir fry.. for dessert there were cream puffs, chocolate cake, and fruit. I had such a massive food baby. It was so uncomfortable, but so, so worth it.

Monday we had out first lectures. The first lecture was actually really interesting. It was on whale research in the Cook Islands, and the lecturer had tons of information and switched it up with pictures, videos, and personal stories. It gave me optimism for the lectures. And then the lecture following it put me to sleep with the overview of the Cook Islands/America sucks (pretty much). Oh well.

And then. We did the cross-island walk. In the rain. It was maybe a four-hour hike? It was only slightly raining when we started the walk, and fortunately it was barely raining when we reached the top and were taking pictures of the absolutely breathtaking surroundings, but then of course it downpoured. I think saying monsooned would be a better word. I used my raincoat and wrapped it around my backpack (my camera staying dry was more of a priority than myself) and surprisingly almost everything in my backpack stayed dry. However, once the rain was pounding on us, our guide actually had us run through this river (which had been a small stream at the beginning of the hike) because he was afraid that it would get too strong and high and people wouldn't be able to get across it. People were singing the songs from Kapa Haka and laughing a lot once it got to the point of hilarity. My entire body was soaked. I was miserable in between being wet and soaked, but once we were soaked it was just ridiculous that this happened. The end of the hike was the best though - there was a waterfall at the end. Most of us just ran in in the clothes and shoes that we'd been wearing. Good thing about the rain was that the waterfall was beautiful. That morning, we heard, it had been a pretty sad sight. I jumped off of a ledge into the waterfall several times. It was so cool. Pure joy.

Dinner that night was okay but not as good as Coco Putt. And I think this may have been the night where my roommate was trying to take a shower, and first there was a lizard in the shower (which escaped towards my Nicole's stuff and we lost it after that) and then a cockroach was coming towards the shower while she was in it. There was mass screaming and hiding. Done by me mostly, though Jacklynn was NOT having that cockroach either. My friend Meagan was in the room when this happened, and after Gael chased the cockroach around for a while, Meagan smash/killed it with her shoe. Traumatizing? Only a bit.

Tuesday we had to get up outrageously early. Breakfast was at 6:45am. I do not function that early. However, since we had to be up that early some friends and I just decided to get up at 6:15 and see the sunrise. We didn't see the sunrise from when it was dark but it was really pretty. The reason we had to be up so early is because we were going to visit a primary school and wanted to be there around 7:45am. We got a quick briefing from the principal about the school and then the assembly began. We marched in the courtyard with the children and then were settled in a classroom where they performed poems, songs, and dances for us. It was adorable. The oldest children, grades 5 and 6, danced for us, and brought some of us up to dance with them! I was sitting in the front so I was pulled up, but the little boy was dancing a little too close to me. My reaction was laughing a lot.

After the performances we had morning tea which was really more like a lunch. I tried some foods I've never had - like seagrapes. Then we did activities with the kids. I was with the grade 4 children first. Mary, the little girl I spent time with, made me an ei (lei) and a head ei. I learned that she played soccer and that people only wear eis for special occasions. She was adorable and so enthusiastic to keep making me eis. After being completely covered with flowers I left to learn to drum and dance with the grade 5 and 6s. The drumming that they use to dance is so interesting. When you hear it at first it just sounds like a mass amount of noise with little pattern but I learned that there is a correct and incorrect way to drum the beats. Who knew?

We had a lecture on Voyaging after that. It was very hot in the room and we'd been up for so long that it was a bit harder to get through. Not to mention hearing that America is killing the world and YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE gets tiring.

BUT then we were off to go snorkeling! Snorkeling was amazing. Besides the fact that my snorkel was dysfunctional and brought more water into my snorkel that there should have been so there was some panic and misery thrown into the amazingness but I survived. We saw tons and tons of marine life. There was all sorts of coral and colorful fish and plants of different shapes and sizes. We even saw a bright blue starfish and a couple moray eels. (My fears of eels from seeing Baywatch as a child were pushed aside when the guides were even bringing the eels out of hiding for us to see.) It was fun to dive down and be right next to the coral - though it wasn't deep in the first place. It was awesome. When we finished snorkeling we had some time to kill so we hung out on the beach until dinner. It was so beautiful. The water was so clear and beautifully blue.

Dinner was at Aro'a restaurant, which was awesome. We spent time eating the bizarre appetizers, walking and taking sunset pictures on the beach, and sipping on tropical drinks. (I had a Oneroa drink, which I'm not sure what the juice was but it was delicious.) It was such a simple night, such a good night. The cooks sang and danced for us at the end of the night, and a fellow IES student decided to sing for us as well.

Wednesday was a long day. We woke up for a cynical lecture on Cook Island economics followed by a medicial walk with a natural medicine man named Pa. Pa was hilarious. He gave us all of these natural remedies, some of which I believe, some less so. We walked through, with Pa telling us about shampoo plants, sugar cane, starfruit, and all sorts of other plants whose names I don't remember. It was really cool. I picked a papaya off a tree, ate starfruit and sugar cane almost straight off the trees, and was barely bothered by the immense amount of sweating I was doing. The walk ended with Pa giving us a fruit lunch of starfruit, papaya and watermelon. It was delish.

I got hot chips at a place in town and fell asleep in the sustainability talk (apparently I didn't miss much. America is a horrible place that kills everything and it is my personal fault for taking showers and not having solar panels installed to create energy). Then we had a progressive dinner! It was cool because it was at people's homes and not restaurants. Coach buses picked us up, which was a nice change from the cramped 15-person vans we'd been riding in the past five days. We started by getting a garden tour and this delicious lemon-soaked tuna, papaya salad, and sparkling wine. Besides the small child that kept trying to lift up my dress it was really fun. The second course was less impressive but tasty nonetheless. We had a Cook Island dancing performance and live music while we ate - seemingly normal for meals at this point. The home we went for dessert had a long porch for us all to sit on, and ice cream, banana cake, custard pastries with papaya, this delicious gooey yogurt-tasting fruit, and some sunrise thing with fruit and marshmallow. I had a food baby that night too. It was a vacation of food babies. That night a lot of people went to explore the nightlife for the last time but I decided to stay in and chat with some other people in my program. Successful night.

Thursday, which was our last day in Rarotonga, me and eight other people decided to rent bikes and bike around the entire island. I definitely didn't realize the task I was taking on. 31 kilometers didn't seem so far at the time. However, it has been about two years since I've been biking and I don't think there were any shock absorbers in the bike/the road was not smooth. We stopped to take pictures every so often and went swimming at the beach where we went snorkeling. Our next stop was to eat. Some people for fish and chips but I got a Oneroa burger, pineapple-banana milkshake and hot chips. So delicious. The last leg of the bike ride was difficult but one of my friends was generous and let me trade my normal bike for her electric bike which made the ride easier. However, I didn't think it was possible for the seat to be any more uncomfortable than it was until I was on the electric bike. That was rough. I feel so accomplished though for having biked the entire 31k around the island in the blistering sun and heat. Beast. And I only got burned on the tops of my hands. Sweat through both sides of my tshirt. It was awesome.

After I returned the bike I stopped in town to browse for souvenirs and window shop. I even got downpoured on walking back from the central part of Avarua (the biggest town in Rarotonga/the town nearby our hotel).

I will admit that it was sad to leave Rarotonga. The fire ants, roosters in the morning, and extreme humidity weren't the greatest but it was so beautiful there. If there was a picture of paradise in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure that it would be of Rarotonga. The people are so nice (I don't think I could ever go hungry and since 80% of their economy is based on tourism they love tourists) and I feel like I learned a lot about the culture. It was such a fabulous start to my midsemester break and I love that I spent the entire last week there.

And now I'm back in Auckland, where it's less humid and about 65 degrees F. I am legitimately freezing. I have the windows open because I'm trying to dry my laundry but the windows will probably be shutting soon. I leave tomorrow for Dunedin (we're leaving for the airport at 7:10am. How miserable.) and am so unbelieveably stoked. YAY.

I also apologize if this is really disjointed because I started to write it yesterday and am watching a movie on tv right now.

I don't think I'll post individual pictures, but if you'd like to see the pictures I have about 400 pictures uploaded on my facebook. let me know if it doesn't work though because I've never shared my albums publically! The first part of my trip is here and the second part of pictures you can see online here. Good luck going through all of them, but there's so many I'd want you all to see anyway.

Wish me luck in the frigid cold next week! I will not be updating this until [at the earliest] the 27th of April. There are five of us traveling. I also hope Christchurch doesn't have any aftershocks while I'm there as there were tonight..

Thursday, April 7, 2011

loving that I don't have to plan 2.5 weeks of break though

I did find out what's on the schedule for Rarotonga!:
  • Traditional Cook Island arts and crafts
  • Sarong screen printing
  • Learning to Cook Island dance (I think)
  • Coconut tree climbing & husking
  • Church (they said that people can either go as worshipers or observers but that we needed to go regardless)
  • Marine life in the Cook Islands at the Dive Centre
  • Outrigger paddling at the Muri beach
  • Lectures on whale research, overview of the Cook Islands, voyaging, Cook Island economy
  • Cross Island walk
  • Dinner at restaurants with names such as Aquarius, A'roa Beachside, etc.
  • School visit
  • Morning tea
  • Progressive dinner
  • and of course free time and whatnot
Stoked cannot even begin to describe it.

Just found out my final exam schedule

Disclaimer: This is not going to be super exciting because it's about academics and not exciting fun amazing travel/abroad things. Sorry.

So papers end June 3, and we have final exams from June 4-28. I just found out when my exams are. They're not the most ideal, especially my second one, but I think I'll manage nonetheless. My Kapa Haka final is June 13 and Sociology is June 25. I don't know what that means for my ambitious Australia plan, but it might mean that I might be extending my stay - depending on how long I'd want to be in Australia. And this depends on the amount of money I have left, which may not be a lot but will probably include taking out more money from savings than I had anticipated. It would be all worth it though if I got to see the Great Barrier Reef and the Sydney Opera House.. and a kangaroo. And a koala. And everything else there is to see in a short period of time in Australia. (I haven't looked too heavily into it - seeing New Zealand is stressful and time-consuming enough.)

As for this essay: I almost have the length requirement. It's only 8:15pm right now, and the latest I am staying up is 2am tonight. I cannot afford to miss my class again tomorrow (I slept through my alarm. As in I must have woken up, unlocked my iTouch, and turned it off, though I don't remember any of this, and when I woke up at 10:20 if I had rushed I would have missed half the class, so not worth it) and I can easily run on six hours of sleep. I normally do. Not to mention it would feel SO amazing to have this thing off my chest and turned in, even if it isn't my best work. I worked on it from about 10:30am-3pm today, with about an hour break for lunch (I made grilled cheese! It was delish) so I did do a lot. Now I just need to edit the [insert appropriate word] out of it and then it will be good. Then I can do my dance resumé, gallery application, and get on to Classy Friday. Whee! Wish me luck!...Though most people who are reading this are in the middle of their awesome sleep. Wish me luck when you wake up!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

one of those days when I wish it wasn't "study" abroad

Seriously. Yesterday I had a test. Came home and skyped my parents. Spent last night and this morning studying for my test this afternoon. Fortunately, I think this test this afternoon went well. I came home and skyped my friend Katherine (for the first time since I've been in New Zealand. I had no idea it would be so challenging to coordinate skype from being abroad!) while eating lunch.

And now onto this paper. I figured it out and it only had to be about 5 pages (double spaced), so I can TOTALLY do this. After intro and conclusion that's like four pages, and I'm pretty skilled at rambling just enough that it sounds like I have done a lot of work to come up with these thoughts. However, it's for my Italian women writers & filmmakers class, which means everything we have read have either been really short, dramatic, or boring. It's going to be brutal but I am going to DO THIS. I just have to get myself motivated enough to actually do it. Meaning start my research. Then do the essay.

My motivation? Well, I have class tomorrow 10-12 and 4-7, and I don't want to write it in its entirety tomorrow. So my goal for tonight is that it has to be started, at least 2 pages, before I can go to bed. It's only 6pm. Totally doable. I was thinking I could just be a beast and do the entire thing tonight, possibly stay up extremely extremely late if I have to, just to be done with it, but that is no longer my goal. I mean, then I'm going to be a complete zombie tomorrow because that means I'd probably be up until 5am or some other obscene house for having class in the morning. This paper is going to be done by Friday though. Because on Friday it's Classy Night at my flat! Just me and some friends, but it's going to be Classy and if my essay isn't done by then I am locking myself in my room, and I don't want to do that.

Seriously, I know the amount of time I spend doing schoolwork here is much less than at Gustavus, but study?! Really, I could do without.

And let's not even start on the fact that I need to do my Fall Dance Gallery Application by Saturday. Including making a Dance Resume. Leaving for the airport on Saturday is going to be the most glorious and wonderful thing ever.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What do you think: Nevis bungy?

Looking at bungy jumping right now instead of studying. No big deal.

Nevis bungy in Queenstown: the highest bungy in New Zealand

Then I found this of the Nevis bungy, and feel that no matter where I bungy, this is very representative of me beforehand.

...or I'll be like this girl.

Just saying. I'm panicking already. And it's going to be brutal to my spending money. But so worth it. And I don't even want to think about pictures/video. I am going to come back from the South Island broke but very happy. I might go back to eating pasta every night for dinner to save money. But again. Worth it.

I bought my flight back from Christchurch today! I'll be in the South Island from April 17-27. PRETTY STOKED. In the process of looking at car rentals/buses.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

(sort of) the calm before the storm

I'm now only 17 hours ahead of Central Time. However, this means that I'm yet another hour away from home when it comes to communication, as I'm now seven hours behind tomorrow. Oh well.

Thursday I had my dance assessment, which I think went fine. I was not stressed out about it at all. The frustrating part was the [drummer] accompanist - I really feel like I could keep a beat better than he can most of the time. Then again, I know what good accompanists are like. I miss John Mayer! I came home from class, took a nap (I was so tired), and then had kapa haka! It was really exciting, we learned our first dances! It's really interesting because the dances are really focused on wrist movements, and there are certain things you're not supposed to do, like show your armpits or have your hands cross your face. I think learning the movements made it easier to remember the words, but that is probably just the dancer in me. (All the words are in Maori by the way, which means I have no idea what I'm saying.) And then we learned poi! I don't really want to go into detail about what it is, but it's all about the wrist movement and it's pretty fun. Also powerful! Mine is foam wrapped in plastic but my flatmate was playing around with it later that night and broke a glass when he accidentally smacked it. Whoops. Only like the fifth glass we've broken since we got here.. but look up poi on youtube, it's really cool, and harder than it looks. And I'm just doing the basics.

Dance class on Friday was finally more modern-y than it's been. We did lots of back movement exercises; I was in heaven. Anyway. I don't really remember what I did that afternoon, but at night people came over and we played Apples to Apples! They don't have Apples to Apples in New Zealand (my IES friend got it in the mail from her dad) so it was rather humorous trying to explain Apples to Apples and realizing how many American references there are in the game that not everyone knows. We hung out for a long time though - I ended up falling asleep on the couch while everyone was watching bad late-night infomercials. My flat really should get those ab-chair workout things. If I had a dime for every time I've seen at least part of that infomercial.. I'd probably be able to buy it by now. So many times.

Saturday, yesterday, I tried to be productive. I tried really, really hard. I got a couple readings done and decided on my classes for next semester at Gustavus (Women in the US; Sex, Power & Politics; World Religions; Intercultural Issues; Modern; Pilates; and I'm applying to choreograph for the fall Dance Gallery, which is apparently taken for credit; and Melissa wants me to TA for her next semester which isn't for credit but I do get paid). My flatmate invited me to go to a toga party at his sister's flat but I declined; I already had plans to go town a few hours later. I was so happy when I remembered that Daylights Savings ended when I got back from town though. Meant I got an extra hour of sleep last night!

Today Adi and I went to the French farmer's market in Parnell. I got bananas, brussel sprouts, three peppers, 100g of fancy olives (I spent so long debating that I decided that it was worth it. I love olives THAT much. and it wasn't terribly expensive anyway), and feijoas all for like $15? I haven't tried feijoas yet but I'm excited to, and I felt like a very saavy shopper.

AND THEN I booked my flight to the South Island! I'm flying into Dunedin on April 17th, we get in at 2pm. It's not the most ideal (and it was more expensive than I'd hoped) but at least it's booked and now we can start looking into other things, like renting cars and what to do and whatnot. It was crunch time so we just booked the flight and we still get to spend about ten days in the South Island, so I can't complain.

This upcoming week is actually going to be academically stressful. Tuesday I have a test in Italian, which I'm kind of nervous for since it's on the readings, and there will apparently be excerpts from the stories we've read and we have to identify which stories they're from. Wednesday I have a 30% of my grade test in sociology. I don't think it's going to be too challenging, but seeing as I have no background knowledge about the sociology of New Zealand besides what I've learned so far in class, it's more stressful than it otherwise would be. I also need to write my Italian essay before break, and hopefully hand it in before I leave so I can be totally done with it and not think about it once break starts. My goal was to write it this weekend, but so far I only have the Word document open with my name and class number in the upper right corner. Not productive. And then SATURDAY I leave for Rarotonga! I need to go buy some reef shoes so I can go swimming (apparently there are lots of shells and coral and whatnot, some of which are poisonous, so I do not want to be stepping on those while swimming), sunscreen, bugspray, sunglasses, and possibly a skirt. But I am so, so pumped. I just need to make it through the week first, and try to be super productive.

And in other news, I am gaining mass amounts of leg muscle from hiking everywhere. I also wake up in the middle of the night with calf cramps, even though I stretch them every time I think about it, which are extremely painful. I also stretch my legs and point my toes when I'm waking up in the morning (definitely had no idea I did that before) which makes my calves cramp up. :( I may have had dancer legs, but now I am definitely gaining new, different kinds of muscles. Not sure how I feel about it. It would be nice to walk on flat ground to get to class every now and then..

on my way home from Kapa Haka, not the best picture but still pretty sunset :)

awkward angle of the Auckland Museum (less than 5 minutes from my flat)